Wednesday 15 February 2017

What to expect from Mesozoic Musings

It's been a while since I started this blog with my slightly ill though-out 'Tarbosaurus turkey' post. Well, I'm hoping to continue blogging here, hopefully with more frequent posts. Over the past year, I've been realising where my real area of interest lies: paleoeology. How did all these creatures fit together in their community? How did they all partition resources to survive? How did they behave? How did they adapt their envioroment and interact with other species? These are the kind of questions which fascinate me.

So, this is what to expect from Mesozoic musings from now on:

. paleoecology and speculative behavioural reconstructions
. possible appearances of various prehistoric species
. new discoveries and my thougths on them

In short, lots of speculation and ecology stuff! Also the occaisonal book review will pop up now and then.

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